Shipping Policy
Customer Pick Up: Customer Pick Up is available at zero cost and is the customers responsibility to pick up
order or handle scheduling of trucking service. Once the order has been loaded on the customers truck Hen
Haven Coops is released from all Liability of damage or loss to the order.
Standard Delivery Service: Hen Haven Coops offers Delivery of your order to your location. We may use a
flat bed trailer to drop off order or hire a 3rd party to transport your order. It is the responsibility of the
customer to move the structure to the final location and be able to move the structure. Customer must provide pictures where to place the order and must be accessible by large truck and trailer in a driveway. Once the order is delivered Hen Haven Coops is released of any liability for damage or loss to the order from customer installation.
Turn-Key White Glove Service: Hen Haven Coops offers Turn-Key White Glove Service. We will deliver the
structure and place it at final installation location. Any final assembly or touch up will be completed. We
offer light ground leveling, Timber Foundation install, Predator apron install, and final assembly. We do not
provide any electrical, concrete, heavy ground moving, or landscaping/hardscaping work. It is the customers
responsibility to verify that they are meeting all local zoning codes, permits and regulations. Customer must
provide pictures and additional information to verify scope of work and ability for us to access and fit
structure at location.
Terms & Conditions
Payment Terms: A 50% non-refundable deposit is due at the time of order placement. The 50% balance of
payment is due prior to the order being scheduled for delivery.
Refunds: Orders cancelled within 5 days of placement or before raw materials are ordered will be refunded
with a potential processing fee. Due to the custom nature of our product and extensive labor involved refunds cannot be guaranteed. In the unfortunate event a customer cannot take delivery of their order, we will make every best effort to refund what is possible based on the ability to sell their order to another customer.
Estimated Leadtime: All estimated lead-time’s for completion and delivery are subject to change. Lead-times
may be impacted by severe weather, raw material delays, labor shortages, and acts of God.
Warranty: Due to the custom nature of our product, we do not offer any warrant beyond the manufactures warranty of materials used if available. We will make every best effort to ensure your satisfaction with our product and in the event, you are not satisfied we will do our best to resolve the problem. Coops may not be returned after delivery. In the event some part of the coop is not functional we will replace or rework the problem component within 30 days after delivery.